
Torossi I 1960-1969

An online sampler covering 1960 to 1969 that includes eleven tracks: an A-side with The Flippers from “Non gridar bambina” (1960) on RCA Camden, a B-side from Orchestra Da Ballo Italfon’s “Quando calienta il sol” (1962) on Italfon, another B-side with The Flippers from “Bombolo” (1962) on RCA Victor, four cuts from Stefano Torossi’s Musica per commenti sonori (1968) on Costanza Records (CO 10002), with “Non importa,” also released as a single, and his full Musica per commenti sonori (1969) album, with Sandro Brugnolini (CO 10005):

Torossi II 1970

An online audio sampler for 1970 that includes ten tracks: a pair of compositions with Giovanni Tommaso from their Echoing America LP on Sermi Records (SR SP 130)–reissued in 2012 by Cometa Edizioni Musicali (CMT 10039), two cuts from Fourth Sensation eponymous LP on Ricordi International, five from I Marc 4 eponymous LP on Nelson Records (GLP 1005), credited to Fotriafa, an alias of Stefano Torossi, and one solo effort from a Musiche per commento compilation:

Torossi III 1971

A selection of sixteen compositions and two excerpts of music from Stefano Torossi taken from eight albums released in or around 1971: a cut from Giancarlo Gazzani’s Musica per commenti sonori (CO 10006), an excerpt from Gazzani’s Musica per commenti sonori (CO 10007), both on Costanza Records, a track Gianna Mazza’s La citta N. 2 on Fly Record, two cuts and an excerpt from Un tema: Tante variazioni on Lupus, one track from Qualche tema lungo on Lupus, four from Tensione e distensione on Lupus, three cuts from Michelangelo e il Rinascimento on Canopo, and one solo effort from a Musiche per commento compilation:

Torossi IV 1972

A selection of nine compositions from Stefano Torossi taken from four albums released in or around 1972 including four tracks from Telemusica N. 1 , three from Musica per tutte le eta’, and three from Fantasia Musicale, all three LPs on Metropole Records, and and a pair from Beat in Ampex, with Ugo Fusco, on Montecarlo Records:

Torossi V 1973-1975

An online audio sampler covering 1973 to 1975 that includes three tracks with Sandro Brugnolini, Giancarlo Gazzani, and Puccio Roelens from their 1974 Feelings LP first issued by Carosello Records and last reissued in 2016 by Schema, five tracks from Gazzani’s withdrawn Musica per commenti sonori LP from around 1974 featuring Brugnolini and Torossi, three from Paolo Ormi’s Tastiere LP on Jubal featuring Brugnolini and Torossi, a pair with Amedeo Tommasi using Torossi’s Farlocco alias from Tecnologia, the 1974 Rotary Records LP reissued in 2016 by Intervallo, an excerpt from Progresso on Flirt Records again using Farlocco, and an excerpt from Stati d’animo also on Flirt from around 1975:

Torossi VI 1986-1989

A selection of a dozen tracks found online from Stefano Torossi covering 1986 to 1989 including “Camel Trophy” and “Natura violenta” by Amedeo Tommasi and Torossi from their Musica per commenti sonori: L’uomo e la natura (1986) album on Costanza Records; “La fossa dei serpenti,” “Cavaliere d’acciaio,” and “Replicante” from Strumentali: Genere computermusic – homo tecnologicus (1986) and “Fiabesk,” “Il filo di Arianna,” “Uccellini,” and “Delirium tremens” from Strumentali: Emozionale (1987), both with Sandro Brugnolini on Fonit Cetra; Brugnolini’s “Work” from Strumentali: Il mondo del lavoro (1989), produced by Torossi; and Giuliano Sorgini’s “Freddezza” and “Raccontare” from Strumentali: Sentimenti per grande orchestra (1989), produced by Torossi:

Torossi VII 1993-2010

A selection of four tracks found online from Stefano Torossi covering 1993 to 2010 including Sandro Brugnolini’s “La città sepolta” from Commenti Musicali: Musica d’epoca – Prehistoria e storia antica (1993) on Fonit Cetra, produced by Torossi; “V.U.E.” from Luca Proietti’s Geoglot: Universal Language (1999) and “Dindana” from Proietti’s WM Global Music (2004), both Rai Trade albums produced by Torossi, and “Sun And Fun” from Federico Ferrandina and Torossi’s Guitarra (2010) on Primrose Music:

Sandro Brugnolini sampler

A selection of tracks from sax player and composer Sandro Brugnolini, under his own name and his alias Narassa:

Franco De Gemini sampler

A pair of tracks from harmonica player and composer Franco De Gemini including “Beat 700” with Alessandro Alessandroni:

Edda Dell’Orso sampler

A selection of tracks featuring the vocals of Edda Dell’Orso featuring I Marc 4, Gianni Oddi, Giorgio Gaslini, Bruno Nicolai, Peppino De Luca, and Piero Piccioni:

Giacomo Dell’Orso sampler

A selection of tracks composed and/or performed by Oscar Lindok, otherwise known as Giacomo Dell’Orso:

Federico Ferrandina guitar sampler

A selection of tracks featuring Federico Ferrandina on guitar. Vocalists include Nicoletta Nardi and Jasmine Tommaso:

Federico Ferrandina piano sampler

Five compositions by Federico Ferrandina, performed by pianist Mario Montore:

Federico Ferrandina pop music sampler

A selection of songs with music and lyrics by Federico Ferrandina. Vocalists include Nicoletta Nardi and Mia Schettino:

Flippers’ sampler

A selection of music by The Flippers released between 1960 and 1962 featuring Franco Bracardi, Max Catalano, Maurizio Catalano, Romolo Forlai, Jimmy Polosa, Stefano Torossi, and Fabrizio Zampa:

Giancarlo Gazzani sampler

A selection of tracks from Giancarlo Gazzani released between 1971 and 1974 including “Paranoia” and “Puro amore” from Costanza Records’ Musica per commenti sonori (1971) (CO 10006); “Underdrama” from Musica per commenti sonori (1971) (CO 10007); ” and “Running Fast,” “Being Friendly,” and “Having Fun” from Feelings (1974) on Carosello Records, which also features composers Sandro Brugnolini, Puccio Roelens, and Stefano Torossi:

I Marc 4 sampler

A selection of tracks performed by I Marc 4 in the 1960s and 1970s featuring Maurizio Majorana on bass, Antonello Vannucchi on Hammond organ and piano, Roberto Podio on drums and percussion, and Carlo Pes on guitar:

Piero Montanari sampler

Including four tracks from Roberto Conrado and Piero Montanari and Montanari’s “Only You” from the Undici giorni undici notti soundtrack:

Gianfranco Reverberi sampler

A selection of tracks from composer Ninety aka Gianfranco Reverberi including a 1968 composition with brother Gian Piero Reverberi, two from The Psycheground Group’s 1972 Psychedelic And Underground Music 1971 album on Lupus Records performed by Nuova Idea, another track credited to Ninety that may be an outtake of one of The Psycheground Group albums, an excerpt with five tracks from The Reverberi Group’s eponymous 1972 album on Radio Records, also with Gian Piero Reverberi, one cut from a soundtrack released in 1973, and a pair of tracks with Sharon “Mhati” Chatham from her 1973 LP:

Giuliano Sorgini sampler

A selection of tracks from Giuliano Sorgini released under his own name as well as the alias Raskovich:

Amedeo Tommasi sampler

A selection of tracks from composer-pianist Amedeo Tommasi including several with featuring Narassa (aka Sandro Brugnolini) and Trio Tommasi:

Giovanni Tommaso sampler

A selection of tracks from bassist-band leader Giovanni Tommaso includes two tracks from the 1970 RCA soundtrack Vivere A: Tokio citta del paradiso:

Jasmine Tommaso acoustic cover sampler

A Jasmine Tommaso acoustic cover compilation featuring “Climbing Up The Walls,” “Drive,” “Time Is Running Out,” and “Yellow” plus “City Love”: